Join Big O, Panda, Beef, and their friends as they dive into the world of geek culture
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Spoiler Mode: Minecraft Story Mode
*Minor spoilers ahead for Minecraft Story Mode Episode 1
I started up Minecraft: Story Mode not really knowing what to expect. I love every Telltale game I've played. From The Walking Dead, to The Wolf Among Us, all the way to Game of Thrones. Their Storytelling is top notch in my book. And Minecraft is one of my favorite time sinks of the past few years. But mixing them together seemed strange from the start. I'm happy to say that Telltale has crafted something really nice here (crafted... see what I did there).
You start out as Jessie (voiced by Patton Oswald), ready to compete in a crafting competition at Minecon. The whole thing feels like a cheesy 80s movie all the way down to a Rocky like montage scene. Eventually, Jessie gets wrapped up in a revenge scheme gone bad, and the world is threatened by a giant Wraith that is swallowing the whole Minecraft world one block at a time.
Along the way Jessie is helped by his friends Olivia, Alex, Lukas, and Petra, and his pet pig Reuben, who is a star all his own. I enjoyed the little piglet so much I even traded my only weapon to a greedy butcher about to make Reuben into a Reuben sandwich just to keep him around.
Now I will say this is very much a Telltale game, just set in the Minecraft universe. There isn't much crafting or building, and when there is, it consists of mostly quick time button presses. But that is just fine with me. When I play Telltale games, I'm really just in it for the story and dialogue choices and both are well represented here.
I know this isn't a "It Came from the Backlog" game, but I'll post a new review after each episode of Story Mode comes out. I realized I bit off more than I could chew with one backlog game every week so they may be interluded with other game reviews like this one or opinion pieces. This Wednesday post is still shifting and evolving so just bare with me while I figure it all out!
Monday, October 26, 2015
Episode 17 Horror Month Conclusion and Platinum Spirit
The finale of Horror Month is upon us. I know you're all sad, but all good things must come to an end. In the comments, let us know what you thought of the episodes. Do you want us to do this again next year? Did we leave anything out that we should cover next time?
So, it turns out getting the platinum trophy in Lego Marvel Superheroes took a lot less time than I thought.
There it is, in all of it's glory. It was a really great feeling knowing that I had completed everything possible in a game and live-tweeting was a lot more fun than I expected. I think I might make this a recurring series. I'm still deciding what game will be next. I'm leaning toward The Order 1886, but we'll see. Let me know if you have any suggestions in the comments. Until next time!
-Big O
Friday, October 23, 2015
It's Just a Toy
I want to start off this article with a story. As I have mentioned in the past, I am a
pretty big collector of the Nintendo Amiibo figures. As some of you probably know, some of these
figures can be obscenely rare. When a
website gets restocked, you may have a matter of minutes to get your hands on
it. Anyway, I was asleep and got woken
up by my phone. It turned out to be a
wrong number, I’m sure we’ve all had that happen before. I look at my phone and it’s an hour before my
alarm is set to go off. So now I’m lying
in my bed and start to browse the web. I
check Amiiboucg on Instagram, they’re pretty good at reporting what stores and
websites are being restocked with which Amiibos. My eyes shot open as I saw that Gamestop had
restocked the Classic Color 8-bit Mario Amiibo (very rare) and it had just been
updated a few minutes ago. I head over
to the website, throw down my order, and now it is proudly sitting on my
shelf. After I was done placing the
order, I stopped to think about all of the things that had to occur in order
for that to play out the way it did.
First, that person had to call my number out of any other random assortment of numbers by accident when they did. Next, I had to check my phone and see that
update when I did. I actually sent the
person who called me probably the most confusing text they’ve ever received in
their life, thanking them for waking me up when they did. They sent me back a smiley face and probably
proceeded to block my number. Just goes
to show that sometimes even an annoying situation can prove beneficial.
The world of video games is constantly evolving. This includes not only the games themselves but how we experience them. One of the more recent developments has been the addition of toy peripherals to expand the action in the game itself. The trend became popular with the introduction of Skylanders and has grown. Now there seems to be a new game utilizing this mechanic every year. From Disney Infinity, Nintendo Amiibo, to the newest addition Lego Dimensions, there seems to be something for everyone and honestly, I couldn’t be happier. Let’s face it, these games give kids… and adults (me included) a whole new way to play and create stories.
There has been some buzz online concerning these games. Many people feel that the market is getting oversaturated and this is just becoming too expensive of a hobby to have. While the people who makes these claims have a few good points, I can’t help but disagree. I will agree that these games can become expensive over time. For example, the starter pack for Lego Dimensions will cost anywhere around $100. After that each level pack which comes with about 3 Lego figures and additional levels for the Lego Dimensions game are roughly $30. On top of that there are figure packs which come with 2 figures, they will run you about $15 each. Considering there are many level and figure packs to choose from, they can add up pretty fast. I just did the math real fast and if you were to buy every Lego Dimensions pack that were available right now, it would run you around $400. I know I just felt a few of you gasp and clench your wallet. However, the point that many people leave out when presenting these facts is that you don’t need to buy all of these packs to have a rich and fulfilling experience with these games. The reason that these companies offer so many options is so you can make the story that is the most meaningful to you. If you want to make a story where Marty McFly and Chell from Portal team up to fight The Wicked Witch of the West, you can. In Disney Infinity, you can have Elsa from Frozen, Iron Man, and Chewbacca work together to fight nightmares inside the head of Riley from Inside Out. Yes, there are collectors out there who will feel the need to get every playset and figure, but that is not the norm.
When I was younger, I was a huge collector of Star Wars figures. I created these huge epic battles in my imagination. When The Phantom Menace came out, the figures came with a plastic card. This card would make the figures say lines from the movies. This was an addition that made the characters come that much closer to being alive. In my mind, that is what Skylanders, Disney Infinity, Amiibos, and Lego Dimensions represent. The next step in making toys come to life. Is the market becoming oversaturated? That’s for time to tell. For now, I’m going to preorder Doctor Who Lego Dimensions expansion and enjoy the ride.
-Big O
The world of video games is constantly evolving. This includes not only the games themselves but how we experience them. One of the more recent developments has been the addition of toy peripherals to expand the action in the game itself. The trend became popular with the introduction of Skylanders and has grown. Now there seems to be a new game utilizing this mechanic every year. From Disney Infinity, Nintendo Amiibo, to the newest addition Lego Dimensions, there seems to be something for everyone and honestly, I couldn’t be happier. Let’s face it, these games give kids… and adults (me included) a whole new way to play and create stories.
There has been some buzz online concerning these games. Many people feel that the market is getting oversaturated and this is just becoming too expensive of a hobby to have. While the people who makes these claims have a few good points, I can’t help but disagree. I will agree that these games can become expensive over time. For example, the starter pack for Lego Dimensions will cost anywhere around $100. After that each level pack which comes with about 3 Lego figures and additional levels for the Lego Dimensions game are roughly $30. On top of that there are figure packs which come with 2 figures, they will run you about $15 each. Considering there are many level and figure packs to choose from, they can add up pretty fast. I just did the math real fast and if you were to buy every Lego Dimensions pack that were available right now, it would run you around $400. I know I just felt a few of you gasp and clench your wallet. However, the point that many people leave out when presenting these facts is that you don’t need to buy all of these packs to have a rich and fulfilling experience with these games. The reason that these companies offer so many options is so you can make the story that is the most meaningful to you. If you want to make a story where Marty McFly and Chell from Portal team up to fight The Wicked Witch of the West, you can. In Disney Infinity, you can have Elsa from Frozen, Iron Man, and Chewbacca work together to fight nightmares inside the head of Riley from Inside Out. Yes, there are collectors out there who will feel the need to get every playset and figure, but that is not the norm.
When I was younger, I was a huge collector of Star Wars figures. I created these huge epic battles in my imagination. When The Phantom Menace came out, the figures came with a plastic card. This card would make the figures say lines from the movies. This was an addition that made the characters come that much closer to being alive. In my mind, that is what Skylanders, Disney Infinity, Amiibos, and Lego Dimensions represent. The next step in making toys come to life. Is the market becoming oversaturated? That’s for time to tell. For now, I’m going to preorder Doctor Who Lego Dimensions expansion and enjoy the ride.
-Big O
Monday, October 19, 2015
Episode 16 and Platinum Spirit Update
Our third episode of Horror Month is posted and in the bag. Speaking on a personal note, I feel this is one of the better episodes we've ever done. In this one we talk about horror video games, movies based of horror video games, Uwe Boll, and Panda shares a scary story from her college days.
Also, last week I did a post about my quest to hunt for a platinum trophy. If you haven't read it yet, feel free to go check it out. I wanted to give an update on that. I've been making some progress and live-twetting it as I go. Go check out the WCNC Twitter page for more info:
Finally, the last plug of the post. We made a West Coast Nerd Corps Instagram account. Check it out for behind the scenes photos of our wacky adventures:
That's all for this update, feel free to message us with any questions or comment in the section below.
-Big O
Also, last week I did a post about my quest to hunt for a platinum trophy. If you haven't read it yet, feel free to go check it out. I wanted to give an update on that. I've been making some progress and live-twetting it as I go. Go check out the WCNC Twitter page for more info:
Finally, the last plug of the post. We made a West Coast Nerd Corps Instagram account. Check it out for behind the scenes photos of our wacky adventures:
That's all for this update, feel free to message us with any questions or comment in the section below.
-Big O
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Platinum Spirit
Trophies and achievements have become a staple of the video game community. Whether you collect them or not, gamers are at least aware of their presence. For anyone struggling to follow along, video games now come with a list of challenges to complete. On Microsoft/Steam they are called achievements and on Sony they are known as trophies. Different challenges are work various amounts depending on their difficulty. Even though these challenges effectively only award you bragging rights, they can still be really fun to complete and collect. Caught up? Good. Even though I played on an Xbox 360 for years, trophies have always held a soft spot in my heart. I think it was because I started off last console generations with a Playstation 3. Instead of number values, the trophies go by color. Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum being the highest you can achieve in a game. A platinum trophy means you have obtained all the other trophies on the list and effectively mastered the game. There is a special feeling you get when you unlock a platinum trophy in a game you truly love. Last night (early this morning) I was thinking about this and looked back to see what the last platinum trophy I achieved was:
It may seem kind of silly but this has honestly been one of my favorite games on the Playstation 4 as of now (Also it's on sale on PSN this week if you're interested). It's a fun adventure and I get to play with all of my favorite Marvel super heroes. I want to show my appreciation to this game by completing everything in it. Stay tuned and I'll report updates as I go.
-Big O
Look at that date! Almost six years ago! I decided six years is too long. I am going to earn a platinum trophy on a Playstation 4 game before January 21, 2016. I've already decided on the game as well.
-Big O
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Episode 15 Horror Month: Bloodlust
We're in the second week of Horror Month and I want to thank everyone for their overwhelming support. This weeks episode discusses classic monsters and how they have changed over time. Also we discuss some famous legends and ghost stories from our area. Is that school down the street from you really haunted? You'll just have to tune in to find out.
Episode 15 Horror Month: Bloodlust
-Big O
Episode 15 Horror Month: Bloodlust
-Big O
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
CAME FROM THE BACKLOG: Mark of the Ninja
of the Week: Mark of the Ninja
downloaded: 12/20/2012
Just like the titular ninja in today’s
game, this week snuck past me before I knew it. It didn’t help matters that I
purchased Destiny the other day, which took up a ton of my time. Combine that
with work and those pesky necessities called eating and sleeping, I ended up
not having much time for Mark of the Ninja. But I made a promise to myself and
all you fine people that I would grab my shuriken and katana and take to the
roofs in the dead of night, so that’s exactly what I did.
Mark of the Ninja starts out simply
enough. You are awoken to your dojo under siege by an unknown armed military
force. Your ninja brethren are falling left and right. It appears you may be
the next to join the fallen, until a female ninja shows up to help you escape.
The game takes it easy on you for the first ten minutes but it turns on you very
fast. The enemies are hyper aware of all the sounds you make. Sneaking through
an area without being detected at all felt practically impossible.
Judging by the achievement list, I
believe I made it about halfway though. The two hour deadline I gave myself was
surpassed by an hour and a half, although I must admit that a chunk of that was
being stuck on a particularly challenging room. Let’s just say, lasers and
armed guards are not a ninja’s friend. Making things harder is the fact that it
only takes about 2 shots to drop you, so being seen is almost always game over.
After playing so much Playstation 4
lately, the game doesn’t look great to my eyes. The cell shaded art style helps
make it seem less dated, but I felt like I could see all the rough edges. I
know my eyes just need to get readjusted to the 360, and they will as I work my
way down the list. But the time has come to eliminate this game from the
backlog. The plan is to finish Mark of the Ninja’s story this week. But even if
I don’t, I feel confident that I experienced what this game has to offer. So
goodbye Ninja, get the hell off my backlog.
Backlog Games
Mark of the Ninja
Next week's game will be Alice: Madness Returns for Xbox 360. I'm trying to get my hands on a video capture card, so hopefully soon I will have more pictures and of a better quality. I will normally have stories about things that happen in the game, but nothing crazy or funny happened with Mark of the Ninja so this post is shorter than it normally will be. Until next week everybody, hopefully we don't get too hurt falling down this rabbit hole.
Backlog Games
Xbox 360:
Alice: Madness Returns
Beyond Good and Evil HD
Borderlands 2
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Charlie Murder
DmC Devil May Cry
Dungeon Defenders
Dust: An Elysian Tail
El Shaddai
Eternal Sonata
GTA San Andreas HD
Halo: Reach
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Lara Croft: Guardians of Light
Mass Effect 3: DLC
Portal: Still Alive
Rock of Ages
Runner 2
Shadow Complex
Shank 2
Playstation 4:
Broken Age
Costume Quest 2
Don’t Starve
Ether One
Far Cry 4
Grim Fandango
Grow Home
Infamous: First Light
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeros
Never Alone
Oddworld: Abe’s ODDysee
Rayman Legends
Rogue Legacy
Secret Ponchos
Skulls of the Shogun
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Super Ultra Time Force
The Swapper
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Uncharted 1,2,3 (Nathan Drake
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
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