Big O has been a gamer as far back as he can remember. He is currently obtaining his masters degree in psychology. When he's not trying to kill himself with school work he can be found playing video games, getting caught up on television, or keeping up to date with all things nerdy. Being raised by nicktoons and platformers has given him a lifetime of experiences that he wishes to share with each of you every week. Dabbling in writing and livestreaming has shown Big O that he wants to entertain. He looks forward to building a great community and making many new friends.
Areas of Expertise: Video Games, Manga/Anime, TV, Movies, Comics
She also writes stuff that is... well, it's just awful, really.
Areas of Expertise: Books, Music, Manga/Anime, TV
Beef studied art at University, and now uses his creative eye to manipulate people into buying things they probably don't need but definitely want. His favorite comics include Chew and anything in the Nightwing canon. His favorite video games involve crudely drawn characters beating each other into bloody pulps. He hopes you enjoy listening to his ramblings every week, but in the end doesn't care all that much.
Areas of Expertise: Comics, TV, Video Games
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