Hello Nerd Corpers (Yeah, I need to work on that),
Big O here! Today is April 29th,
but it is also International Tabletop Day 2017.
As our listeners may know, we recently did a tabletop themed episode of
the podcast:
In honor of the day, I thought it would be nice to
do a short write up of what tabletop games have meant to me. When I was younger, I had a group that I played
Dungeons & Dragons with. I was still
relatively new to the game at the time so this was a learning experience. The person running the game was one of my
best friends Mike, another friend of mine, and I didn’t know the other members
but we quickly bonded. This campaign was
one of my favorites, even to this day.
The story I told on the podcast about the sleeping ninja happened during
this adventure. We met up weekly and
this campaign went on for months. This
continued, until Mike died. Something
that still bothers me to this day.
Obviously, we were all very distraught when this happened. We decided to honor his memory by meeting up
and starting a new campaign in his honor.
This campaign is still what I refer to as my favorite of all time. I can only speak for myself, but getting
together with everyone and playing every week was very cathartic for me and
helped me deal with a lot of very complex emotions I was experiencing. I will always be grateful to those friends and
that story.
Today, I am celebrating the day by having some
friends over, ordering some pizza, and playing a bunch of games. I want to encourage all of you to sit with
someone you love and even if you are just playing a quick had of Uno, just
spend a little time bonding with each other.
Who knows, you might make a memory.
Thanks for letting me get personal for a minute and I want everyone to
have a great day.
-Big O